What is the nurse-to-patient ratio in your unit?  How does that compare with five or ten years ago?

Across the state, the trend is the same. Healthcare budgets are being cut, and nurses are being assigned more patients than we can safely care for. In 2021, NYSNA helped pass legislation to set safe staffing standards at all hospitals, not just the hospitals where union nurses negotiated nurse-to-patient ratios in their contracts.

Now, we need all hospitals to abide by agreed-upon safe standards — and the New York State Department of Health to fully enforce the law. How does your hospital measure up? Learn more about getting involved in your hospital staffing committee and being a voice for safe patient care!

Lachinii Negaswar Elmhurst.jpg
With all the work that New York nurses have been doing over the last year, safe staffing should finally be a reality. We all need to come together to protect our practice and our patients.”

— Lachinii, RN

Every patient deserves safe, quality care. In order to achieve safe staffing, we need nurses from every county in the state to join with us. Take the survey and let us know if your hospital is following the law. Then sign our safe staffing petition below to demand the DOH do more to protect nurses and our patients! 


We, the nurses of New York State, want to see safe and responsible nurse-to-patient staffing ratios in every hospital — regardless of zip code. We know firsthand the dangerous impact of short staffing on the health and safety of our patients. In 2021, nurses advocated for and won hospital staffing committee legislation to set safe standards in all hospitals, but many hospitals flaunt the rules and continue to understaff units—putting patient safety at risk. We call on the Dept. of Health to enforce the law and hold hospitals accountable for safety!